- Advisory Board
- Amplitudes, Motives and Beyond
- Amplitudes - Practical and Theoretical Developments
- Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry
- Call for Proposals
- Challenges in Semileptonic B Decays
- Challenges in Semileptonic B decays
- Code of Conduct
- Composite Dynamics: from Lattice to LHC Run II
- Contact
- Cosmic-Rays and Photons from Dark Matter Annihilation
- Crossroads of Neutrino Physics
- Dark Matter Identification: Connecting Theory and Signature Space
- Dark Matter in the Milky Way
- Data Protection Statement: MITP Events
- Data Protection Statement: MITP Indico
- Data Protection Statement: MITP Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application
- Data Protection Statement: MITP Proposals
- Determination of the Fundamental Parameters in QCD
- Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Methods for QFTs in Particle,- Nuclear-, and Condensed Matter Physics
- Effective Field Theories as Discovery Tools
- Effective Theories and Dark Matter
- Events 2013
- Events 2014
- Events 2015
- Events 2016
- Events 2017
- Events 2018
- Events 2019
- Events 2020
- Events 2021
- Events 2022
- Events 2023
- Exploring the Energy Ladder of the Universe
- Factorization Violation and Glauber Gluons
- Flavour and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
- Foundational and Structural Aspects of Gauge Theories
- From Kinematic Space to Bootstrap: Modern Techniques for CFT and AdS
- Fundamental Composite Dynamics: Opportunities for Future Colliders and Cosmology
- Fundamental Parameters from Lattice QCD
- Future Challenges in Non-Leptonic B Decays: Theory and Experiment
- Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
- Heavy-Quark Hadroproduction from Collider to Astroparticle Physics
- Higgs Pair Production at Colliders
- Higher Orders and Jets for LHC
- High precision fundamental constants at the TeV scale
- High Time for Higher Orders: From Amplitudes to Phenomenology
- Holography, Generalized Geometry and Duality
- Jets, particle production and transport properties in collider and cosmological environments
- Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz kooperiert mit US-amerikanischem Forschungszentrum Fermilab bei Chicago
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz to collaborate with US research center Fermilab near Chicago
- Joint Challenges for Cosmology and Colliders
- Legal Notice
- LHCb and Belle II Opportunities for Model Builders
- Local Theory Groups
- Location
- Low-energy precision physics
- Low-energy Probes of New Physics
- Mission Statement
- MITP Outgoing Fellowships
- MITP Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MITP Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theoretical Physics
- MITP Staff
- MITP Supported Preprints
- MITP Youngstars
- NA62 Kaon Physics Handbook
- Neutron Skins of Nuclei
- New analytic ideas for loop integrands
- New Physics on Trial at LHC Run II
- Non-perturbative Phenomena and the Early Universe
- Physik im Theater
- Precision Measurements and Fundamental Physics: The Proton Radius Puzzle and Beyond
- Printer
- Probing Baryogenesis via LHC and Gravitational Wave Signatures
- Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Precision
- Probing the TeV scale and beyond
- Programs and Workshops
- Proton Radius Puzzle
- Quantum Fields – from Fundamental Concepts to Phenomenological Questions
- Quantum Methods for Lattice Gauge Theories Calculations
- Quantum Vacuum: Renormalization Group and Anomalies in Cosmology
- Quantum Vacuum and Gravitation
- Quantum Vacuum and Gravitation
- Scattering Amplitudes and Resonance Properties from Lattice QCD
- Scientific Reports about MITP
- Search
- Searching for New Physics with Cold and Controlled Molecules
- Sitemap
- Statement on Israel
- Statement on Ukraine
- String Theory, Geometry and String Model Building
- String theory and its applications
- Stringy Geometry
- Supernova Neutrino Observations
- Tensions in the LCDM paradigm
- The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
- The first three years of the LHC
- The Future of BSM Physics
- The Mathematics of Linear Relations between Feynman Integrals
- The Mysterious Universe: Dark Matter – Dark Energy – Cosmic Magnetic Fields
- Theoretical physicists in Mainz and Sao Paulo agree to cooperate in the promotion and mentoring of young researchers
- Theoretische Physiker in Mainz und Sao Paulo vereinbaren Kooperation bei Nachwuchsförderung
- Theory facing experiment on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Flavor and Dark matter
- The Sound of Spacetime: The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Science
- The TeV Scale: A Threshold to New Physics?
- The Ultra-Light Frontier
- Towards the Next Quantum Field Theory of Nature
- T Violation and CPT tests in neutral-meson systems
- Videos 2013
- Videos 2014
- Videos 2015
- Videos 2016
- Videos 2017
- Videos 2018
- Videos 2019
- Videos 2020
- Videos 2021
- Videos 2022
- Videos 2023
- Videos 2024
- Visitor Information