Events 2021

Virtual Workshops

Date Virtual Workshop
April 12 - 23 Gravity and Emergent Gauge Fields in Condensed and Synthetic Matter
May 24 - 28 Machine Learning Techniques in Lattice QCD
June 7 - 18 Positive Geometries in Scattering Amplitudes and Beyond
June 21 - July 2 Machine Learning for Particle Physics
September 27 - 30 Quantum Field Theory at the Boundary
November 29 - December 10 Light New Physics: From Table-Top Experiments to the LHC
December 13 - 15 YOUNGST@RS - Supergravity and Holography

Virtual Summer School

Date Virtual Summer School
July 12 - 30 "The Amplitude Games"


Scientific Programs

Date Scientific Program
February 16 - 26 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Power Expansions on the Lightcone: From Theory to Phenomenology
April 26 - May 7 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Flavour of BSM in the LHC era
May 10 - 21 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Towards the Next Fundamental Scale of Nature: New Approaches in Particle Physics and Cosmology
May 25 - June 4 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Mega Dark Matter: Theory and Detection
June 7 - 18 (postponed to 2022) Neutrinos, Flavour and Beyond
July 26 - August 13 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Probing new Physics with Gravitational Waves
August 30 - September 10 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Dark Sector Theory Confronts Reality
September 13 - 24 Mathematical Foundations of the Swampland Program

Topical Workshops

Date Topical Workshop
February 2 - 4 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Quantum Methods for Lattice Gauge Theories
March 30 - April 3 (cancelled due to COVID-19) The Evaluation of the Leading Hadronic Contribution to the Muon g-2: Toward the MUonE Experiment
June 7 - 11 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Precision Tests with Neutral-Current
Coherent Interactions with Nuclei
June 14 - 18 (cancelled due to COVID-19) Elliptic Integrals in Fundamental Physics